Terrance Howard Reveals He Was Only Paid $12,000 For His Role In “Hustle & Flow”

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Terrence Howard, an Academy Award-nominated actor, recently revealed that he was paid a mere $12,000 for his work in the movie “Hustle & Flow”. This is in stark contrast to what most people would assume he was paid for the role.

In a recent interview, Howard alleges he was treated unfair by Paramount Pictures. He stated he was credited in the film as “performed by Djay” instead of his real name. Paramount Pictures owned the character of Djay and as a result, Howard was unable to receive any royalties from the soundtrack. Howard’s story is not uncommon. Many actors are taken advantage of by studios who are only concerned with making money. The cost of production is often kept low by paying actors and crew members minimal wages, and sometimes lower than industry standards.

In response to Howard’s story, the Screen Actors Guild issued a statement reminding actors to be read their contracts thoroughly and make sure they are aware of how their work will be credited. The statement also urged actors to speak up if they feel the are being treated unfairly.

The story of Terrence Howard’s unfair treatment serves as an important reminder to actors and filmmakers alike that they should be aware of their rights and not be afraid to fight for them. Studios should be held accountable for their actions and not be allowed to take advantage of actors in order to turn a profit.