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The Fleet Mag is here to help you promote your music, special event, business, poetry and more. Check out all we have to offer and reach out to us at We look forward to assisting and working with you.


  • Artist Spotlight $40
  • The Fleet Mag Video Picks $40
  • Book An Interview $75
  • Featured Business $35
  • Event Placement $25
  • Music Share $15
  • Spoken Word Poetry $25
  • Talented Youth $25
  • Graphic Design – Starting at $50


Promote your music to a larger audience. Get featured in the Artist Spotlight section on our website. Fans, DJ’s, promoters, radio host and more will be able to check out your article and reach out to you with opportunities to help further your career. Your music will also be available for hundreds of our Fleet DJs to download and play on their BDS reporting radio stations, at events, music venues and more. Email the following to

  1. Name
  2. Email Address
  3. Phone Number
  4. City & State
  5. Artist Bio
  6. Social Media Links
  7. Link To One of Your Best Songs On YouTube
  8. MP3 File of Your Song
  9. Website Link
  10. High Resolution Photo
  11. Booking Info

“Send Clean Music With No Profanity, Racial Slurs, or Explicit Subject Matter”. We pride ourselves in providing great content on our website fit for everyone, and many of our radio stations cannot play explicit content, so be mindful of what you submit. Not everyone will be selected to appear on our website for the Artist Spotlight, so send your best material. Once your information is received and you are approved for placement on the website you will be directed to submit payment via Cash App or PayPal


Get your music video added to The Fleet Mag Video Picks section of our website. By having your video on our website fans, DJ’s, promoters, radio host and more will be able to view it and reach out to you with other opportunities to help further your career. We will also make your song available for hundreds of Fleet DJs to download and play on their BDS reporting radio stations, at events, music venues and more. Email the following to

  1. Name
  2. Email Address
  3. Phone Number
  4. City & State
  5. Artist Bio
  6. Social Media Links
  7. YouTube Link to Your Music Video
  8. MP3 File of Your Song
  9. Website Link
  10. High Resolution photo
  11. Booking Info

“Send Clean Music With No Profanity, Racial Slurs, or Explicit Subject Matter”. We pride ourselves in providing great content on our website fit for everyone, so be mindful of what you submit. Not everyone will be selected to appear on the website so send your best material. Once your information is received and you are approved for placement on the website you will be directed to submit payment via Cash App or PayPal


Our reporters are available to interview you via zoom to discuss your music career as well as any upcoming projects you may have and more. When your interview is complete, an article will be written and placed on our website in the appropriate section. Your music will also be available for hundreds of our Fleet DJs to download and play on their BDS reporting radio stations, at events, music venues and more. Email the following to

  1. Name
  2. Email Address
  3. Phone Number
  4. City & State
  5. Best Day and Time to Set Your Interview
  6. Artist Bio
  7. Social Media Links
  8. YouTube Link to the Song You Are Promoting
  9. MP3 File of Your Song
  10. Website Link
  11. High Resolution Photo
  12. Booking Info

“Send Clean Music With No Profanity, Racial Slurs, or Explicit Subject Matter”. We pride ourselves in providing great content on our website fit for everyone, so be mindful of what you submit. Once your information is received we will reach out to you to confirm a interview date and time. You will also be directed to submit payment via Cash App or PayPal


Looking to expand your brand and advertise to a larger audience? Get featured on our website. An article about your business, as well as other important information for potential clients to reach out to you, will be placed on our website. This can open up opportunities for you to gain new customers and get exposure all over the world. Send the following to

  1. Name
  2. Business Name
  3. Business Address (If any)
  4. City & State
  5. Business Days & Hours
  6. Email Address
  7. Phone Number
  8. Detailed business description of the products or service you offer
  9. If you sell physical products you may send up to three high resolution photos
  10. Social Media Links
  11. Website Link

Once your information is received and your business is approved to appear on the website you will be directed to submit payment via Cash App or PayPal. Not all businesses are guaranteed to appear on the website.


Do you have a special event coming up you would like to advertise on our website? Having your event placed on our website gives you exposure to a larger audience, which can lead to more awareness of your event as well as increased attendance. Send the following to

  1. Name
  2. Email
  3. Phone Number
  4. Website
  5. Name of Your Event
  6. Location of the Event
  7. Date and Time of Event
  8. Link to Your YouTube Video Promo/Commercial (if any)
  9. Cost to Attend Event
  10. Link to Purchase Tickets
  11. Detailed Description of Your Event

Once your information is received and your event is approved to appear on the website you will be directed to submit payment via Cash App or PayPal. Not all events are guaranteed to appear on the website.


Increase your chances of getting radio airplay and bookings with music share. We will make your song available for hundreds of Fleet DJ’s to download and play on their BDS reporting radio stations as well as at parties and other special events. (Music share is included in Artist Spotlight, The Fleet Mag Video Picks and Book An Interview services) Send the following to

  1. Name
  2. Email
  3. City & State
  4. Mp3 File of Your Song
  5. Social Media Links

Once your information is received you will be directed to submit payment via Cash App or PayPal.


Are you a spoken word poet looking to get your material heard before a larger audience? Unite with The Fleet Mag and let’s make it happen. Send the following to

  1. Name
  2. Email
  3. Phone Number
  4. City & State
  5. Website Link
  6. Bio
  7. Social Media Links
  8. YouTube Link of Your Poetry
  9. High Resolution Photo
  10. Booking Info

“Please Only Send Material With No Profanity, Racial Slurs, or Explicit Subject Matter”. We pride ourselves in providing great content on our website fit for everyone, so be mindful of what you submit. Not everyone will be selected to appear on the website so send your best material. Once your information is received and you are approved for placement on the website you will be directed to submit payment via Cash App or PayPal


Does your child have a special talent you want to share with the world? The Fleet Mag can make it happen. If your child is 17 and under he/she may appear on our website showcasing their talent. Whether he/she is a great singer, dancer, athlete, musician etc., they can get exposure to a larger audience to put them on the path to success at a young age. Send the following to

  1. Your Name and Your Child’s Name
  2. Child’s Age
  3. Email Address
  4. Phone Number
  5. City & State
  6. Bio / Detailed description of what your child does, when they started, etc.
  7. Social Media Links (if any)
  8. YouTube Link To Your Child Displaying Their Talent
  9. Website Link (if any)
  10. High Resolution Photo

GRAPHIC DESIGN SERVICES – Starting at $50.00

Are you looking for a creative and professional graphic design service that can elevate your brand and make a lasting impression? Look no further! Our graphic design service is here to bring your vision to life and help your brand stand out. Several design options are available including:

  • CD Cover Art
  • Flyers
  • Motion Graphics
  • Business Cards
  • T-Shirts
  • Banners….. and more

Package deals are available for events and festivals. For more info: